A man comes to a point in his life where he can no longer exist on frozen burritos and an energy drink per day. That day may differ from man to man, with some realizing it after they have run their 5th marathon. Others know that the day has arrived when they throw their back out while sneezing.
Time hunts all men.
No matter how old you are or what kind of shape you are in when that day comes, you will realize that you need to start taking better care of yourself. You can improve your diet and get more exercise to try and turn back the hands of time, but as you age, the body needs all the help it can get to keep up the good fight.
That is where supplements come in.
Supplements To Focus On
A supplement is anything that provides beneficial nutrients to the body that it does not get through diet alone. Supplements are not meant to replace a healthy and balanced diet. They are meant to support what should be coming in naturally through what you eat and drink. Think of them as extra gears in the race against time. They won’t win the race by themselves, but they will help get you to the speed you need to stay ahead for as long as possible.
Your daily multivitamin is one example of a beneficial supplement. Whey protein powder is another supplement that can help your body add muscle, which can be difficult to do as you age.
Donuts, unfortunately, are not supplements.
Honestly, though, the way our foods have been tampered with and maximized for profitability, increasing yield while decreasing nutritional bioavailability, supplements are starting to become a needed ingredient in our diets. Make sure you are getting the full spectrum of vitamins needed to perform at your best. Items like Vitamin D, magnesium, and zinc, can all benefit your immune health. Whey protein powder, creatine, and testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help your body add muscle as you put in the time in the gym, even as an older man. There are many options to supplement your health with, you just need to identify what is lacking, confirm it is safe to add to your diet and get to work.
Who Needs Supplements?
Once you know what kind of supplements can help a man perform at an optimal level, you need to ask what kind of supplements are best for the man who is looking in the mirror. The next question is what your doctor thinks about you adding supplements to your daily regimen. Some is good and more is better, is not necessarily the case for men who have pre-existing medical conditions. Making sure your doctor is on board before you make your first trip to the health store is important.
Age, level of activity, health conditions, and desired goals are all important in identifying which supplements you may need to add to your routine. An elderly man who just wants to be a little more agile can focus on the vitamins and supplements that add back the nutrients that promote good joint health. Knowing what you want to improve in will go a long way toward your achieving improvement through the use of supplements.
Knowing What Makes A Supplement Good
The supplement market has been flooded with sub-par products, snake oil salesmen, and advertising that is less than scrupulous. Making sure you are buying something that your body can actually ingest and make available for betterment is a risky task. To make sure you are picking the best supplements, you need to look at what makes the best company, first.
Any supplement company worthwhile will have undergone extensive testing of their product, and that testing should be done via unbiased third-party testing. You’re looking for a company that has the appropriate approach to making sure the supplements you ingest are bioavailable, meaning the body can actually use the nutrients for something more than changing the color of your pee to a neon shade.
When you choose to get serious about your health, you will find that supplements can play a big part in that goal. As long as you consult an expert and go with quality companies, you can make sure that your efforts are not in vain.