There are plenty of gun enthusiasts who have a preference for what they carry on a daily basis, be it concealed or open carry. They have strong preferences based on their training and the weapons they have worked with. This article is not for them. This article is an introduction to two popular and well-known compact firearms for those who have been considering a handgun purchase for various reasons.
Glocks are manufactured in Austria and are polymer framed semi-automatic pistols. Sig Sauer was founded in Germany but is currently headquartered in the United States. Both of the models in question use 9mm ammunition and as such do not offer a strong recoil which could be challenging for new shooters to deal with. That type of ammunition is also basic and is readily available at many places. Both are also very popular weapons and as such can be reliably found in the used marketplace as well, making for more options when it comes to purchasing. Ultimately, you would do well to be carrying either of these weapons as a daily carry, but to focus on a few key points…
You should probably buy a Glock if:
- You are a novice or beginner in shooting. Being partially made of a strong and advanced polymer, it is slightly lighter and easier to handle.
- You don’t want to spend a lot on your first gun, as Glocks are less expensive.
- You are not overly concerned with aesthetics, as the Glock is functional without being particularly attractive.
You should probably buy a Sig Sauer if:
- You’ve had some experience with shooting and/or you prefer the double action/single action mechanism of the P226, and are okay with the slightly more expensive and less available magazines for the Sig.
- You don’t mind spending a bit more for your weapon, as a new Sig can cost a couple hundred dollars more than a new Glock.
- You are slightly more concerned with aesthetics, as the Sig is objectively a more beautiful weapon.
We know that we will not win over partisans from one side to another, but we hope we have fairly represented the advantages of either weapon so you can be a bit more prepared when you get ready to make your purchase.
Do you have a preference between these two weapons? Do you carry on a daily basis? Why or why not? All commenters will receive a coupon code for 25% off any of our shave services.
I carry daily, and own a P226 as well as a Glock. I prefer the P226, but I don’t carry either. I prefer the S&W M&P 9C for carry, as it is smaller and lighter.
Of those two, the P226 is preferred, but I like S&W M&Plano or the Roger LC9 to carry.
Keep in mind the Glock has no manual safety which makes some new shooters nervous but is one less thing to remember in the heat of the moment. The grip angle on the Sig is more traditional and will feel more familiar to shooters use to their dad’s 1911 or ex military and their 92f
I carry a Walther PPQ, however I have used both a Sig and a Glock in my past line of work.
The Glock just works, and with the safety in the trigger you don’t have to fumble when you need your weapon.
The Sig is a work horse. The gun I was assigned was more than 30 years old and had probably shot more than 30,000 rounds through it. It never failed and will most likely still be around a hundred years from now.
One thing to remember is when comparing the G19 to any variant of the P226, you’re talking a Toyota Camry to BMW 535 comparison. One is a polymer framed, striker fired, compact and the other is a metal, hammer fired, full size handgun. The P226 is a larger and heavier pistol is something to consider when choosing a carry pistol. Also, Glock parts are very easy to find and cheaper, plus many would argue it’s an easy pistol to work on. In the end, shoot both and see which one you handle better. The one you’re most comfortable with and shoot the best is the one you buy, regardless of the name.
Like Jesper, i prefer Walther. The PPQ is my go to for open carry, but I carry the PPS in .40 for my concealed (but actually think 9mm would have been a better choice – the .40 is a little snappy). Of the two you asked, i also prefer the Sig. It seems more reliable to me…the Glock is fine, but I shoot better and have more comfort i the Sig
I have a Glock 19 but quite frankly, it’s much bigger compared to my Glock 27, which is my EDC. I have the Sig P238 for pocket carry, especially in summer.
You are spot on. This is everything I concluded while searching for a new carry weapon for my wife and myself. The Glock 380 seems to be a great carry weapon for her especially since she is use to the Glock 9MM from her weapon of choice when she was in law enforcement. The Sig is a much nicer looking weapon and I like some of their 9’s for a carry option for me. Guys have more choices for carry weapons, based on how we can carry.
Although I like the aesthetics and heft of the Sig, I carry a Glock 26 sub-compact. The rationale is that it is smaller, lighter and frankly, as it is a concealed weapon, so aesthetics are not a factor. However, when having to draw and shoot from holster, it is a bit less safe than a Sig, as it does not have a safety. Takes a bit of practice to keep finger off the trigger until you are pointing it downrange.
Strong points for the Glock & Sig. I just picked up the S&W M&P Shield 9mm for my concel & carry which is another potential & very affordable option to the two mentioned
Main points for probably buying a the S&W M&P Shield:
– Also made of a polymer-framed material – one of the best on the market for a 9mm
– Very inexpensive ($337-500)w two mags for 9mm (7 & 8 rounds) vs similar packed/featured Glock 43 ($400-600) w one mag. S&W M&P also comes in .40 caliber
– Weighs only 19oz and is very thin – less than “1 thick w 3.1” barrel. Even with thumb safety, very aesthetically pleasing and easy pull from OWB holster.
S&W has one of the best reputations in the industry and the S&W M&P Shield is a classic example of their craftsmanship.
As a retired Fed I’ve been a long time Glock 19 personal carry peep. Not a fan of having to think which weapon is on me. Like to keep it simple.
For those concerned about safety, I would add Springfield as an option. Their grip safety helps me feel secure when holstering without letting me forget that the safety is on when I go to use it.
I carry an XDM Compact 9mm in the Summer and full size if it ever gets cold down here in Texas. The main reason I chose the Springfield polymers were the 2 passive safeties, which give me more confidence carrying without worrying about a manual safety if I ever actually need to use it. I also chose it because it had a grip very similar to the 1911 style but gave me twice the capacity.
I know they are on the heavy side compared to Glocks or compact Sigs but for me that is a benefit with accuracy and felt recoil even if the trade off is a bit less comfort.