Bringing Gentlemen Back: 5 Reasons to Revive Chivalry

You’ve probably been told somewhere along the line that nice guys finish last. (More on this misconception in future posts, but it often stems from confusion between niceness and passivity.)  The truth is the rewards you can amass from being nice (or not) are mere fractions of those you can earn from being chivalrous.  Want to land a date? Be nice.Using Chivalry in Dating  Want that date to clear her calendar midway through her first drink? Be chivalrous.

Acting like a man: a Gents Place guide
Being nice is something you learn in kindergarten—something everyone should subscribe to.

Being chivalrous, on the other hand, is something you learn from good company and maturation—something reserved for the likes of Mr. Bond and Dr. Jones.

Here are a few ways to start:

1. Be kind to wait staff and service people
There’s no better judge of character than how a man treats those under him. One of my colleagues, in fact, has a rule for this: the greater the odds someone earns less than you, the greater the reason to call him sir.

2. Be a source of warmth and comfort (literally)
Is your date cold? Be a gent and offer your jacket. Is it raining outside? Go a little further and pull the car around. (That last bit, like a lot of this advice, isn’t just for dates. Clients don’t like getting wet either.)

3. Show concern
Were the roads a little slick or icy on your way home from dinner? Why not call to make sure your date made it back safely? If she’s stuck, you’ll be her new hero; if she’s fine, you’ll be her hero in waiting.

4. Show courtesy
Ladies first, gents. Be there to hold the door (car doors included), allow your date to order first unless she prefers that you order for the both of you, and offer your seat to standers in distress.

5. Be on time—and call when you can’t be
Another tip just as useful in business as it is in dating: plan ahead to be on time. It matters.

Still, when things come up through fault of your own or otherwise, take a moment to call ahead and let people know your heart is on schedule even if traffic might not be.

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  1. Why in the hell would you consider wait staff & service people “under” you!!

    That’s a totally arrogant way of thinking & probably a reason these good people are treated badly in most cases!

    Why not consider them your equal & treat them as such?

    1. Eric, thanks for your comment. The intention here was not to imply that wait staff and service people are “under” anyone. In fact, I own a business that exclusively “serves” others, and I regularly sweep floors, take out the trash, fix toilets, etc. in my locations and gladly do so in the spirit of serving others. When I play that role as service provider (to my employees and/or clients,) I absolutely am “under” that person in only the sense that I am there to serve them and meet their needs (not mine,) but not in regards to humanity in general. I have the utmost respect for service providers, as I am one and will always be. I think your comment on on treating them as your “equal” is completely agreeable to the way I feel, and I appreciate you taking the time to provide a similar perspective at a different angle.

  2. Say “Bless you” when someone sneezes.
    Cover your mouth when you yawn.
    Offer to load an elderly person or busy mom’s groceries in the parking lot, or carry-ons on a plane.
    Bring in doughnuts, bagels, lunch, or snacks on a regular basis to co-workers..
    Instead of tossing a buck or two into a beggar’s cup, buy him/her lunch.
    Perform a random act of kindness monthly.

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